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Deh Fps Cfg


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/////FPS cfg by dEh /////////

//////////v 1.0//////////////

////For low computers/////



/// net comands ///


rate "25000"

cl_cmdrate "66"

cl_updaterate "66"

cl_interp 0.0152

cl_interp_ratio 0

cl_smooth "0"

cl_smoothtime "0.01"

cl_resend "6"

cl_predictweapons "1"

cl_pred_optimize "2"

cl_lagcompensation "1"

fps_max "1337"

clientport "1337"

/// Net_graph ///


net_graph "1"

net_graphproportionalfont "0"

net_graphpos "542"


/// r_ comands ///


r_ambientboost "0"

r_ambientfactor "1"

r_cheapwaterend "1"

r_cheapwaterstart "1"

r_dynamic "0"

r_drawbatchdecals "0"

r_drawflecks "0"

r_dopixelvisibility "0"

r_decal_cullsize "999999"

r_eyes "0"

r_eyesize "0"

r_eyeshift_z "0"

r_eyeshift_x "0"

r_eyemove "0"

r_eyegloss "0"

r_eyeshift_y "0"

r_fastzreject "-1"

r_flex "0"

r_forcewaterleaf "0"

r_lightaverage "0"

r_lod "0"

r_lightaverage "1"

r_maxnewsamples "0"

r_maxsampledist "0"

r_minnewsamples "0"

r_maxdlights "32"

r_norefresh "0"

r_occlusion "0"

r_PhysPropStaticLighting "0"

r_ropetranslucent "0"

r_rootlod "2"

r_renderoverlayfragment "0"

r_rootlod "2"

r_renderoverlayfragment "0"

r_shadowmaxrendered "9"

r_shadows "1"

r_shadowmaxrendered "-1"

r_shadowrendertotexture "1"

r_spray_lifetime "1"

r_teeth "0"

r_worldlights "1"

r_worldlightmin "0"

r_worldlights "0"

r_waterforceexpensive "0"

r_worldlightmin "0.0002"

r_waterforcereflectentities "0"

r_waterforceexpensive "0"

r_worldlights "2"

r_WaterDrawReflection "0"

r_WaterDrawRefraction "0"

r_waterdrawreflection "0"

r_waterforceexpensive "0"

r_3dsky "0"


/// cl_ comands ///


cl_allowupload "0"

cl_allowdownload "0"

cl_autohelp "0"

cl_burninggibs "0"

cl_clearhinthistory "1"

cl_c4dynamiclight "1"

cl_drawmonitors "0"

cl_debugrumble "0"

cl_detaildist "0"

cl_detailfade "0"

cl_detail_avoid_force "0"

cl_detail_avoid_radius "0"

cl_detail_avoid_recover_speed "0"

cl_detail_max_sway "0"

cl_debugrumble "0"

cl_detaildist "0"

cl_drawmonitors "0"

cl_disablehtmlmotd "1"

cl_disablefreezecam "1"

cl_ejectbrass "0"

cl_forcepreload "1"

cl_hudhint_sound "0"

cl_logofile "0"

cl_new_impact_effects "0"

cl_phys_props_enable "0"

cl_phys_props_max "0"

cl_predictweapons "1"

cl_playerspraydisable "1"

cl_pred_optimize "2"

cl_predictweapons "1"

cl_ragdoll_collide "0"

cl_ragdoll_physics_enable "0"

cl_ragdoll_collide "0"

cl_rumblescale "0"

cl_show_achievement_popups "0"

cl_show_splashes "0"

cl_showhelp "0"

cl_showpluginmessages "0"

cl_threaded_bone_setup "0"

cl_threaded_client_leaf_system "0"

cl_wpn_sway_interp "0"


/// mat_ ///


mat_aaquality "0"

mat_antialias "0"

mat_autoexposure_max "0"

mat_autoexposure_min "0"

mat_bloomscale "0"

mat_bumpmap "0"

mat_bufferprimitives "1"

mat_compressedtextures "1"

mat_colorcorrection "0"

mat_clipz "1"

mat_disable_bloom "1"

mat_disable_lightwarp "1"

mat_disable_ps_patch "1"

mat_disable_fancy_blending "1"

mat_envmapsize "0"

mat_envmaptgasize "0"

mat_filterlightmaps "1"

mat_forcehardwaresync "0"

mat_forceaniso "0"

mat_forcemanagedtextureintohardware "0"

mat_framebuffercopyoverlaysize "0"

mat_fastspecular "0"

mat_hdr_enabled "0"

mat_hdr_level "0"

mat_parallaxmap "0"

mat_picmip "2"

mat_queue_mode "2"

mat_reducefillrate "1"

mat_shadowstate "0"

mat_specular "0"

mat_trilinear "0"

mat_texture_list_all "0"

mat_vsync "0"

mat_wateroverlaysize "1"


/// budget ///


budget_averages_window "0"

budget_background_alpha "0"

budget_history_range_ms "1"

budget_history_numsamplesvisible "0"

budget_peaks_window "0"

budget_show_peaks "0"

budget_show_averages "0"

budget_show_history "0"


/// rope ///


rope_averagelight "0"

rope_collide "0"

rope_smooth "0"

rope_smooth_enlarge "0"

rope_subdiv "0"

rope_smooth_minalpha "0"

rope_smooth_minwidth "0"

rope_wind_dist "0"

rope_rendersolid "0"

rope_smooth_maxalpha "0"

rope_smooth_maxalphawidth "0"



/// vprof ///


vprof_unaccounted_limit "0.3"

vprof_verbose "1"

vprof_graphheight "1"

vprof_graphwidth "1"


/// ai ///


ai_report_task_timings_on_limit "0"

ai_think_limit_label "0"

ai_expression_optimization "1"


/// Radar settings ///


cl_radartype "1"

cl_radaralpha "255"

cl_radartype "1"

overview_health "0"

overview_names "1"

overview_tracks "0"

overview_alpha "1.0"


/// Others ///

gl_clear "1"

muzzleflash_light "0"

lod_TransitionDist "0"

flex_smooth "0"

npc_height_adjust "1"

scene_showfaceto "0"

scene_showlook "0"

scene_showmoveto "0"

blink_duration "0"

hud_fastswitch "1"

closecaption "0"

commentary_firstrun "0"

showhitlocation "1"

texture_budget_background_alpha "999999999"

texture_budget_panel_height "0"

texture_budget_panel_width "0"

jpeg_quality "100"

muzzleflash_light "0"

mat_monitorgamma "1.6"

weapon_showproficiency "1"

scr_conspeed 600




echo "_____FPS cfg by dEh_____"

echo "_____was activated_____"




Помощь с установкой


1. Копируем конфиг в буфер.

2. Идем в вашу дирректорию с установленной игрой.

3. Ищем там папку cfg или что-то подобное и заменяем свой конфиг на новый.

Edited by Dantez666
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